DL News wins “Best Trust Initiative” award at the World Association of News Publishers’ (WAN-IFRA) Digital Media Awards Middle East 2023

DL News wins “Best Trust Initiative” award at the World Association of News Publishers’ (WAN-IFRA) Digital Media Awards Middle East 2023
Robert Holloway has won first prize in the “Best Trust Initiative”

DL News ombudsman and veteran journalist Robert Holloway has won first prize in the “Best Trust Initiative” category at the World Association of News Publishers’ Digital Media Awards Middle East 2023. DL News is the first cryptocurrency and decentralised finance-focussed publication ever to win this award.

“We are thrilled to see our editorial work recognised less than a year after launch. The WAN-IFRA award recognises the efforts we’ve made to combat misinformation, which has been DL News’ mission from day one: accurate, honest, responsible journalism,” said Paige Aarhus, director of DL News.

DL News’ entry, “An old-school solution to modern misinformation,” highlighted Holloway’s efforts to debunk misinformation and disinformation, explain journalistic ethics and media law, and improve media literacy and perceptions within the crypto community.

“I am delighted that DL News has been chosen for this award because it stands for ethical reporting in the rapidly changing world of journalism and the uncertain field of crypto. Working with the editorial team, I am pleased that our efforts have been acknowledged,” said Holloway.

Since DL News launched in January 2023, Holloway has published regularly (https://www.dlnews.com/authors/robert-holloway/) on topics including the importance of fact-checking, why outlets can’t publish rumours, why sources can’t take back quotes given on the record, and how libel law influences what can and cannot be published.

“Robert’s clear-eyed columns on how the media sausage is made have been a guiding force — while being entertaining and engaging throughout. This recognition is a benefit not only to DL News but our entire industry. I could not be prouder of his achievement,” said Trista Kelley, editor-in-chief at DL News.

Holloway has more than 40 years’ experience as a journalist and media trainer. He was head of the English-language service at Agence France-Presse, and also foreign editor and editor in chief. As director of the non-profit AFP Foundation, he ran programmes on media development and conflict prevention for the UN and the European Commission, and was the founding chairman of Africa Check.

As part of his work on journalistic ethics, he designed the toolkit on covering migration for the European Fundamental Rights Agency. He also was a member of the jury of the EU’s Lorenzo Natali prize and an expert adviser to the jury of the Chirac prize for conflict prevention.

About DL News: DL News is an independent news organisation that provides in-depth reporting on the largely misunderstood world of cryptocurrency and decentralised finance. It launched on January 31, 2023.

For more information, contact media@dlnews.com